You know the cardboard photos like this one that are inside the costume bags? This year you will find his face on a few of these costumes.
It was Cameron's first trip to the corporate office and the first time he would wear multiple outfits in front of a camera. He has modeled before (On January 17, this blog will show you his first big ad shoot for a Department store), but that ad required him to wear one sleeper outfit. The Halloween shoot required him to dress in an animal costume and wear others which included hats. Needless to say, I had my fingers crossed that he would not melt down.
He was immediately put into makeup, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. I think it is because he watches me put on my makeup each morning, and he is completely amused by it.
His first costume was a duck, which happens to be a favorite animal of his.

This photo sort of freaked me out because four years ago I was on a website that allows users to upload photos of themselves and their significant other to see what their future child could look like. Here is Cameron's pic and the simulated child's pic...coincidentally in a duck costume!
His next session had him dressed as a fireman.
The crew kept Cameron focused with Yo Gabba Gabba and Kai-lan on my ipad. Of course that meant everyone was singing and dancing along to the videos.
After a snack break, our little firefighter turned in his engine for a police badge. This was my favorite costume on him because the blue shirt made his blue eyes more piercing! I think Officer Cameron Alexander will be walking house to house this Halloween.

Be sure to look for his pics in the Spirit Stores this October. Also, while you are in a store, please donate to the Spirit of Children program which raises money through customer donations for the child life department at local pediatric centers nationwide.
Get the latest on hot costumes, Halloween props and party stuff by following Spirit on facebook.
rikki ragland,
the preppy debutante