07 March 2009
Les Soeurs Fideles
Today Phi Mu Fraternity chapters across the country celebrated
Founder’s Day, honoring our three founding sisters, Mary Ann
Dupont, Mary Elizabeth Myrick, and Martha Bibb Hardaway.
Our organization is 157 years-old -this year. Founded at Wesleyan
College in 1852 as the Philomathean Society, we have more than
150, 000 initiated sisters. I have never met so many incredibly
accomplished women in one place. It is amazing how one can travel
anywhere in the country and run into a fabulous Phi Mu sister!
I have a Phi Mu castle
That's filled with treasures old
Of days I've spent with you my dear Phi Mu.
I would not trade my castle
for a million filled with gold
For mine is far the richest of them all.
Its windows sparkle and reflect
The sunshine from within
Each doors wide open to each true Phi Mu
And if you have seen it too,
then may I walk with you,
Up the trail To my castle
Of Phi Mu.