Many of you woke up to the email below this morning.
For the past four years, women across the country planned their Ladies' Nights Out around one of the biggest fashion events of the year (outside of Fashion Week), Fashion's Night Out.
I have spent a few years blogging about Fashion's Night Out from Neiman Marcus in the Chicagoland area, to the Dallas area Neimans.
FNO will be on hiatus this year (insert very long, sad face here) stateside to give retailers the opportunity to focus on other events. Meanwhile, it will continue abroad in Europe, Asia and South America, among other continents, and will be spearheaded by Vogue.
Fashion's Night Out was always a great event to attend and Neimans consistently did a stellar job. It will be missed this year, but I am sure the Girls & I will simply find another reason to get together for clothes and cocktails.