August 1st is the day that begins the calendar year for many diaries and planners. For years I carried a black leather agenda by Coach. I still have it in my home office, but when my little one came along, it was a little bulky in my handbag. Once I shed the diaper bag, I still had to maintain items in my bag to keep him happy (snacks, a mini tervis and an iPad) so the snazzy organizer had to go.

Last year, I turned to Lilly for an agenda. Though it was still thick, it packed a little less bulk than Coach. As a Lilly fan, it was also less formal than the leather one and added an extra "kick" to my daily planning.

One drawback is that the monthly tabs became dog-eared over time.The pages are also thin and if my little Kipster tugged on one, even a little bit, it tore right out of the spiral!

About a month ago, my friend, Ashley, at A Paper Affair convinced me to look at momAgenda. Ironically, Ashley wanted me to look at it a year ago, but I was too stuck on Lilly.

I originally purchased the leather-bound planner, but swapped it for this spiral. I like to have the option of folding it in half, which I obviously couldn't do with leather.

Always one to take advantage of branding, I placed my company logo on the front too.

A drawback to the momAgenda is that the lines are shorter than the ones I have used in the past and I feel as if I need to cram a lot of info into one box. The advantage, though, is the space at the bottom where I can write in my son's information, along with bills, travel plans, dinner prep and gym workouts. If I commit my weight-lifting, core classes or Zumba to paper, then I assume I am obligated to actually attend!

We will see how the next 18 months rolls along with this one. Otherwise, I will once again be searching for the next best thing to organize my life.
the preppy debutante