When Moses drifted down the River, he certainly was not wearing a life jacket! Our tiny tot took his first trip, "down the river" in Xcaret in Mexico. The river was very similar to a lazy river, except there were no inner tubes and we wore snorkel gear. It was about 4.5 feet deep and took about 40 minutes to swim from top to bottom.
Xcaret is like a collision of Disney World, Wet N' Wild and a great zoo.
In addition to rides and entertainment,
exotic animals are everywhere.
By mid-afternoon, two of us had enough of the blazing sun and intense heat. Despite having lunch in a shady restaurant in an over-sized chair,
and slathering on SPF 50 (which did not seem to stop the sun from baking my shoulders & back), my little tourist and I were ready to call it a day.
It only took a matter of seconds for one of us to pass out for a nap. He was only in the hammock long enough for this photo and then we wrapped it up and headed back to our hotel.
We made our way back (30 minutes from our hotel) in the early evening,
And enjoyed a margarita
and a *spectacular* show in the coliseum!
The show told the history of Mexico and was a great performance.
It was a great day at Xcaret & we still only saw a portion of it. I guess we will have to go back one day.
Our next stop, and blog entry, will take us WAY back to the beginning of time...seriously.
the preppy debutante