Out of nowhere, our warm weather rain storm spun off twisters. It was crazy. The green weather maps became an array of orange, yellow and red as meteorologists across the metroplex tracked storms and tornadoes.
As we monitored the Dallas stations, we heard that a twister had touched down right outside of our neighborhood & the three of us ran for shelter in our cedar closet.
Just as we turned up the volume on the TV in the bedroom to hear the weather report, the television went blank and we were left without any information.

If anyone told me that I was going to spend part of the afternoon barricading myself inside my cedar closet with husband and toddler in tow, I would have thought I had better luck playing the big lottery last week.
Unfortunately, not all of Dallas/Ft. Worth was as lucky. Arlington & Lancaster to the west and south of us were devastated and declared disaster areas.
Here is a screen shot from WFAA. This is a tractor-trailer flying through the air! Dorothy, you certainly are NOT in Kansas anymore.

It goes to show how a quiet afternoon in Dallas can quickly turn into chaos!
the preppy debutante