Chag Sameach! It is a greeting (meaning, "joyous festival") that we say to each other during Pesach or Passover. It is said at other times too, but the Temple halls were filled with the verbal exchanges during the Pesach
seder for Cameron's school.

Each child had their own table setting
including handmade placemats
Our preppy little mensch gobbling up his matzah
Of course, Mommy has to make sure baby has a monogrammed kippah
There were tables and tables full of pre-schoolers and their families
Family photo
My little one and me with the Rabbi
"Borei Pri HaGafen," the prayer for wine-in this case, Kosher juice
Breaking of the matzah
Some of the Ten Plagues were included on the table tops
The afternoon ended with the hiding & finding of the Afikoman. Then it was happily devoured by the class!
Rikki Ragland
the preppy debutante