Casey turned 30 this year and her sister-in-law gave her a "30" charm to add to her bracelet. Casey then convinced me to put a "40" on mine, albeit a year late. The "Cameron" silhouette I bought when I was pregnant. Cameron has never had a security blanket or an ultra favorite toy, but has had an affinity to his "bibi" (pacifier). I searched high and low for a pacifier charm that looked like the one he uses and found a vintage one a month ago. Long after his real pacifiers are gone, I will always have this reminder.
The final two charms represent my fraternity, Phi Mu. Although our official mascot is the lion, many Phi Mus have also adopted the ladybug. My husband & I found this one at an antique store a few years ago. It is gold, instead of silver and coupled with the red, provides a nice pop of color among all of the sterling silver.
I know that I will continue to add more, but I have a great start to a bracelet that I will one day pass along to one of my children or grandchildren.