30 May 2008
Sex & the City private preview
With very special thanks to my Mercedes dealership, my sister & I attended a VIP screening of the Sex & the City movie tonight (my invite is above). You won’t find any major spoilers here, but I will say that I have never seen so many moviegoers bawling their eyes out than they did in Titanic! Definitely a “chick flick”, there are certainly some shockers in this one. You could hear the collective gasp of the audience in several scenes. Everyone was served popcorn & martinis in our seats. If you are a fan of the show, definitely see it on the big screen. As a big fan of Charlotte’s, I will say that even her dog, “Elizabeth Taylor” has not been forgotten after so many years. Enjoy!
My sister, LeAnita & I are heading into the show...
27 May 2008
Memorial Day 2008-Major General Robert Bernstein
As an Army brat, I think of our fallen military men & women often. Memorial Day is a time for all of us to remember, honor and respect the memory of the men and women (and their families) who have given their lives for our freedom. I was born at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington D.C., where my father retired as a Colonel. My “proxy” grandfather, Maj. General Robert Bernstein served as WRAMC’s Commanding General from 1973~1978. He died in July 2007 at 87 years-old and I will especially be thinking of him this Memorial Day.
21 May 2008
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Senator Edward M. Kennedy has been diagnosed with a malignant glioma in the left parietal-lobe, according to his physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital. This is a photo of Senator Kennedy with me on my last day working in his office. I will have more photos up soon of my time working in Senator Kennedy’s office, shortly after I graduated from my university. I had an amazing time working on the Hill, learning invaluable skills that set me on a very successful career path. The Kennedys are in my thoughts & prayers.
03 May 2008
Walk for Israel by the Lake
Today my niece, Alex & I walked with Israel for Solidarity Day. My synagogue loaded onto two buses to join the huge crowd by Lake Michigan. The money raised helps the children in Sderot, in Israel's Negev. They have lived under rocket attacks for several years and the Walk with Israel fundraiser will assist children by sending them to a special summer camp run by Youth Futures.
Alex covered her face with blue stickers to show extra special solidarity :)